April 28th, 2009


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Discussion (25)¬

  1. Nathaniel says:

    That seems an odd turn of phrase for a wombat. I wouldn’t have thought they would think of a hole as something that could be difficult to get out of.

  2. macdjord says:

    Nathaniel: Well, yes, but that just means they have a different /scale/ of what they define as being ‘a hard hole to get out of’. We think ’10 foot pit with slick walls’, they think ’10 mile mine shaft with collapsed entrance’.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I was thinking that wombat’s were particularly suited to recognizing holes they wouldn’t be able to get out of once started. A foolish young wombat, for example, digging a hole in quicksand or unstable turf of another sort that was prone to collapse would hopefully survive such a learning experience, but….

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I was thinking that wombats were particularly suited to recognizing holes they wouldn’t be able to get out of once started. A foolish young wombat, for example, digging a hole in quicksand or unstable turf of another sort that was prone to collapse would hopefully survive such a learning experience, but….

  5. Sarah says:

    It’s also just “that they weren’t getting out of in a hurry”, which doesn’t necessarily imply difficulty, just time. It could mean that it was like watching someone start on one of those projects that suddenly becomes much, much bigger and more complicated than you anticipated.

  6. Diatryma says:

    … which is exactly what Digger did to begin with.

  7. Cheri says:

    Felt like an eternity?

    Hell yeah it does!

  8. ysabet says:

    Tea with one’s ancestor; man, I know a lot of people who’d love to do that. They’re not wombats, no, but still. XD

  9. Kayru says:

    Poor Digger seems to have lost a little weight amidst these vigorous travels.

  10. Kelci says:

    I love that they can talk about all this mystical stuff over a nice cup of tea by the fire, but I do get what she said about the glorious destiny stuff. Here Murai thought that she’d be the one chatting it up with ghosts and instead Digger gets all the exposition. Still, I think she deserves it after all the crud she’d been unwillingly shoved through.

    The metaphor at the end is also very fitting.

  11. Wombat32 says:

    what I have noticed lately is not that Digger is thinner, it’s that her boobs are less noticeable in most frames, especially this one. I also saw that Ursula referred to Helix as a He, which is not common for this strip.

  12. Richard says:

    Boobs? I had never noticed any conspicuous attempt to give her boobs. A wombat shouldn’t have boobs anyway. Most marsupials have their teats inside their pouch (and the pouch is more or less stuck shut when there aren’t actually young to nurture.

  13. ToraKiyoshi says:

    Oh, gods… I hope that’s not Ed’s Warrior Tea? Descending Helix would run away!


  14. libbyblue says:

    digger’s never had particularly conspicuous boobs, but she has had ’em. try #115 for an easy example. given their negligible importance, though, i don’t think that’s quite why she’s dropped a few pixels.


  15. Werrf says:

    To be fair, we haven’t actually seen what Murai and The Ghost have been doing while Digger and Helix have been chatting. Helix could’ve just been talking to Digger while The Ghost explained things to Murai.

  16. inlaid says:

    Poor Digger, I don’t think this one is going down well with the ancestor.

  17. Wombat32 says:

    well, Richard, if you scroll back through some of the earlier Digger comics, you will see quite a few instances of boobage on Digger. I agree, though, they aren’t necessary for the character, and not exactly anatomically correct, but then again, I have never met a wombat that wears a leather vest either. 🙂
    If you look at the first dozen or so comics, you will see a definite difference in how Digger is drawn now compared to then. Normal evolution, I would guess, but not being an artist, I couldn’t say if it was subconscious or deliberate on Ursula’s part.

  18. Snow_Cat says:

    I do like the turn of phrase of “dig a hole …”

    And thus concludes another episode of (plot versus boob) exposition.

  19. Haven says:

    “digger’s never had particularly conspicuous boobs, but she has had ‘em. try #115 for an easy example. given their negligible importance, though, i don’t think that’s quite why she’s dropped a few pixels.”


  20. Melissa Trible says:

    Are you sure they’re boobs, not biceps?

  21. Faranior says:

    Why would she have biceps on her chest since biceps are on the upper part of an arm?

  22. Mark Antony says:

    I think she means pectoral muscles. Besides, even female wombats don’t have boobs on their chest. They’re hidden inside the pouch in her rear.

  23. TekServer says:

    I do recall that Digger described wombats to Ed as “biceps with legs” (or something very similar) at one point, however.


  24. Arospace says:

    Digging a hole you’re not getting out of in a hurry sounds more like a wombat version of “digging your own grave” to me

  25. Dare says:

    Aerospace, you took the words right of of my fingertips.
