March 27th, 2008


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Discussion (22)¬

  1. dareon says:

    I suppose I saw that coming, although I was more expecting an entire liver course, not just that of the honored dead.

  2. Domino says:

    Digger looks like she was just beaned with something made of copper and used to cook with

  3. Brennan says:

    Have you noticed that every comic has a mini-title in its filename? This one is ‘liver’, the previous is ‘appetizer’.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hahaha! I just love Digger’s expression in the last panel!

  5. Mark Antony says:

    Oh, man. I feel queasy just looking at that. Liver is awful when served raw.

  6. Lurkie says:

    Liver is awful, period. Urlgghkk.

  7. TekServer says:

    I actually rather like it, if it’s properly cooked.

    Now, I might feel differently if the liver in question had belonged to someone I had previously met and exchanged pleasantries with …


  8. Hunter says:

    Digger’s face! HAHAHAHAHA!

  9. D.Durand says:

    Liver is not awful for predators (real ones, not “i’m a predator but i want also salad and ice-cream. Humans are fruit-eaters, by the way).
    In fact, Liver is, with the brain, the better internal organ a predator can eat, because it’s raw energy (and energy is what animals want. It’s why lot of animals eat others animals and not plants). muscles are “high level” only in a cultural sense.

  10. Lee says:

    I have Tempe Brennan’s voice in the back of my head, delivering a straight-faced anthropological lecture about how it’s only meat, and getting the wibbles about it just because it used to belong to someone you’d met is less important than not giving insult to your entire adopted tribe. Can’t Digger just take a ceremonial bite and then plead digestive differences?

  11. Pangolin says:

    Liver is actually harmful to people who suffer from hemochromatosis, as liver is full of iron and their body cannot filter out iron properly. People with this disorder also have to avoid spinach and excessive amounts of red meat. Otherwise the iron builds up in their systems and slowly begins to shred their organs. The only real solution? Regular blood-letting. And given that it’s a condition almost entirely endemic to people of Northern European descent, that might explain why leeches & blood-letting persisted in those countries — it actually did help some people.

  12. Pangolin says:

    On the other hand, liver is fantastic for many people who suffer from anemia.

  13. Andrew says:

    “I have Tempe Brennan’s voice in the back of my head, delivering a straight-faced anthropological lecture about how it’s only meat, and getting the wibbles about it just because it used to belong to someone you’d met is less important than not giving insult to your entire adopted tribe. Can’t Digger just take a ceremonial bite and then plead digestive differences?”

    The entire point is that it used to belong to Skull Ridges, When you eat the liver you are taking a part of that person into yourself, and becuase of that no Hyena ever really dies. At least, thats my oppinion.

  14. Tamfang says:

    Have y’all noticed that a line from a few pages back is suddenly more meaningful?

  15. rueyeet says:

    Yep. That’s where I thought this was going…though, I expected the whole body to be on the menu, given the term “Long Feast”.

  16. Trogdog says:

    right, the “she’s not getting any fresher” one.

  17. Ryn says:

    Don’t forget, everyone, Liver=seat of emotions to the hyenas.

  18. Jenora Feuer says:

    Going back through the archives… Pangolin: actually, my grandfather suffered from hemochromatosis, and for a while after diagnosis he was having a pint of blood taken out of him every week to stabilize things. It also made him diabetic by damaging his pancreas when the iron precipitated out of the blood…

  19. Jamie P. says:

    ha! Goggle-eyes!

  20. Snowbody says:

    Was Digger so oblivious as to really not know what it was, or did she just not want to entertain the possibility?

  21. Draco Dei says:

    I have heard that toxins tend to build up in the livers of predators, making them not the healthiest thing to eat.

  22. Mental Mouse says:

    Aside from other factors, eating your own species is generically a bad idea, if only because any disease microbes present are guaranteed to be “suitable” for your species. And then there’s prions….
