September 27th, 2007


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Discussion (11)¬

  1. Ngögam says:


  2. Prof says:

    Thank you Ngögam, you´re spared me at least a half hour searching after the name of this goddes.
    The egyptian patron goddes of pregnant women. How fitting ^_^

  3. Eagle0600 says:

    Love this comic.

  4. RyRi says:

    The aptly-named Goddess Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic

  5. Tabby says:

    Tawaret, who may or may not be VERY SIGNIFICANT on Lost.

  6. Murasaki says:

    “Unbeknownst to Digger….”…and most of the world, I should think….

  7. BoardEntity says:

    monty python, references once again to the rescue.

  8. BunnyRock says:

    Speak for yourself. Wait till you get to the ugly Egyptian dwarf god of fertility that gives women erotic dreams. To heck with Re and Osiris, Horus, Isis and even the Aten: give me the weird ugly Egyptian gods any day of the week!

  9. grumble.f.kitty says:

    “the ugly Egyptian dwarf god of fertility that gives women erotic dreams”

    Ron Jeremy?

  10. TekServer says:

    @grumble.f.kitty: 😆
