Archive for ‘blog’

Is this thing on?

Well, gang, here we have it–the new Digger site!

Craziness! Madness! Bunnies!

Graphic Smash has decided to spin Digger off and give it its own home! And there was much rejoicing! Yaaaay!

For everybody who’s wondering what this means, Digger will no longer be subscription only. I’m very grateful to all my loyal subscribers–you guys kept Digger afloat for years, and I quite literally would not be here without you! I’m trying to figure out something nice to do as a thank you–watch this space for developments on that front.

As for people new to Digger–or who started, and hit the wall and didn’t finish, or drifted off, or missed an update, or whatever–welcome! Great to see you again!

Probably This Means I’m Crazy…

So t’other night, my boyfriend and love of my life got a kidney stone.

If you’ve never had a kidney stone, count yourself lucky–the pain is generally rated somewhere past childbirth, torture, and slow decapitation. I had to drive him to the ER, while he lay in fetal position in my back seat.

This was not pleasant, needless to say, moreso because we didn’t know for sure it was a kidney stone and I was basically doing seventy down a dark country road in the rain praying “Oh sweet Ganesh, let him not have a burst appendix.”

Up until the drive, I’d been holding it together pretty well. There was the next thing to be done, and the next thing to be done. Get his kids ready to go to their mother’s. Call their mother to take them. Get Kevin down to the car. Etc. Once I got in the car, though, there wasn’t anything to do next but drive, and my brain, which had been very tightly focused, relaxed, and started to fall apart.

“Stop that!” I told myself, feeling the snivelling coming on. “This isn’t productive!”

My brain continued to snivel.

“This is not helping!” I told it.

The brain was unmoved.

“Would Digger do this?” I demanded.

And my brain…shut up. Nope, Digger wouldn’t snivel. Digger would rise to the occasion. Surely I was not to be out done by a figment of my imagination!

As coping mechanisms go, it’s arguably a bit disfunctional, but hey, whatever works.

Kevin is doing well now, resting reasonably comfortably. Stone hasn’t passed yet, but the pain’s nowhere near the double-over-and-vomit range, so he’s much happier.


Somebody had commented that Helix was not mentioned in the comic since 2007. Actually, that’s an artifact of the re-dating process when I switched Digger to wordpress…the original mention of Helix went up in July of 2005.

I’ve been planning this for awhile, but it wasn’t until I went back and checked the dates that I realized just how LONG. Since the comic began in late 2003, that was like…two thirds of the comic ago, which kinda blows my mind a little.

I have GOT to learn to write short stories.

Quick Plug!

My buddy Jay, fellow member of the NCWCCC comic group, has a spiffy comic called “Mysteries of the Arcana.”

It is almost completely and totally unlike Digger in any way, but that can be said of most comics, so go check it out!

Shameless pluggery

Just to shamelessly plug a bit, my book “Dragonbreath” a comic-text hybrid for kids (but hopefully fun for the whole family) is available for pre-order from Barnes & Noble!

Dragonbreath at B&N

It’s been up at Amazon for a bit now…

Dragonbreath at Amazon

I admit, I’m starting to get excited about the release! Since I did the thing…god, most of a year ago…it seems bizarre that it’s only now coming out. I’ve already finished the sequel and I’m working on the third book in the trilogy as we speak.

So very odd.


My apologies for the pop-over ad that some of you encountered on Digger in the last couple of days–those aren’t supposed to happen, but occasionally one slips through the net. The group that handles my advertising has been contacted, and hopefully it won’t happen again!

Good News, Everyone!

Digger vol. Four will be available for order July 10th! Copies will hopefully be available at Anthrocon if you’re going to be there (I’ll be there, signing and selling art) so check it out!

Also, my next kid’s book, Dragonbreath, is due to be released this Thursday, June 11th, so look for it in stores! (Or you can order it off Amazon!)

Comics! Biting Pear! Stuff!

Just to let you know, there’s a print version of Irrational Fears, my (short) saga of a chupacabra in a beret, in the works, and now available for preorder!

Two versions are available–you get a dollar off on the softcover by pre-ordering (a mere $6!) and there is the Super-Snazzy Only Available For Pre-Order hardcover limited edition version, for the hardcore collector type!

Secondly, by popular demand, I’ve put the Biting Pear up on in hopes that enough people will like it to put it into production.

Here’s how you can help! Think a Biting Pear would be awesome? Go forth and vote for it! Voting’s free, and if enough people like it, it’ll go to pre-orders, where you’ll be able to pre-order your very own Biting Pear. Which would make me very happy, and also give me something to throw at the people who keep telling me that a plushie or a figurine of the pear would be awesome.

Here’s the link for voting!

Thanks, guys!

Video card malfunction

Due to circumstances beyond our control–coming back from vacation to a fried video card!–Digger won’t be starting up again until Thursday. Very sorry for the delay! (Can’t really get the art done when the tower is a giant paperweight, alas…)

Just in case…

I don’t really predict a problem, but on the off chance that everybody predicting a local Snow Apocalypse this weekend is correct, and we get the half-inch of glaze ice and all the power-lines come down, leaving me without internet or heat or Photoshop, that would be the reason for a delayed comic, if it actually happens, which I don’t think it will.

Since there’s been a huge run on food and everyone is hunkering down, it seems highly unlikely we’ll get anything but a faint white dusting, but since I live in a rural area that has been known to lose power for upwards of three days, thought I’d mention it, thereby hopefully heading off any such scenario at the pass.