Happy Thanksgiving!
November 25th, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody celebrating it!

Thanksgiving is always nicely drama-free at Boneclaw Mother’s lodge, since if you start something over the scalloped potatoes, she WILL finish it. So the food is good and everybody is just slightly terrified, which is exactly the way Boneclaw Mother likes it.

Discussion (37)¬

  1. Latrone says:

    Guess I’m bringing wine… Should the amount be proportional to the epicness of my inability to cook?

    I may have to rent a vineyard…

  2. the dark ferret says:

    I CAN cook, but I’ll bring wine anyway. Happy Thanksgiving, Ursula!

  3. Jassius says:

    Last day someone commented about the comic jumping outside to see what was happening with Boneclaw and the others…

    Well, no one expected to find them celebrating Thanksgiving ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    Oh, well. Nice intermission.
    Wishing a good Thanksgiving day to Ursula and the rest of the gang here.

    But first, Shall we vote?

  4. Javcs says:

    Yes – when in doubt provide alcohol!

    But not to people who are angry drunks or can’t hold their liquor – that just gets messy.

  5. Korlee says:

    The suspense of the goodbye to come! @.@ Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Bwee says:

    I don’t think the hyenas would appreciate shortbread and sticky palm sugar treatlets, so I guess I’m sponsoring alcohol too.

    Happy Thanksgiving to allw ho are celebrating!

  7. Skydancer says:

    D’you think they’d like pumpkin bread?

  8. Ketira says:

    @Skydancer – only if it’s made with fresh pumpkins. I’d hate to find out what would happen with pies made with the zombie version…. ^.~

    I’d bring what I had for dinner last night: slow-cooked chicken thighs & rice w/mushrooms & bacon. I figure if Boneclaw Mother likes it, everyone will want the recipe! ^.^

  9. Hebi R. says:

    I know Digger said she needed a minute, but i had not thought the break would be for a holiday celebration. I wonder if liver was served at the “The First Thanksgiving?” And now I am picturing Jhelm watching football and considering paying a vistist to a player that violated the most noble rules of the game, while Grimeyes enjoys the violance, Shadowchild being adorable at the kiddie table (or Shadowlecent wanting to sit with the grown0ups), the vegetables rising up and attacking (as they do), Herne being rather pleased they decided to forgo the venison, and the statue happily presiding over the feast.

    Before I grab that wine, lemme see if I can wrestle some of the pumpkins into a pie…before they get me. Remember Tunnel Seventeen!

  10. Karyl says:

    Love T-Day with Boneclaw mother! I’m bringing a LOT of wine, even though I can cook also. I just like the idea of having the day off. Happy T-Day all!

  11. Hawk says:

    I’ll bring wine AND plenty of turkey livers! Happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also: since this is a day of thankfulness, I want to say (even if I’ve said it before)


  12. Crocuta says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Psyra says:

    I always took Boneclaw Mother as the straight up whiskey sort of lady.

  14. Barry says:

    What Hawk said!

    Thank you, Ursula!

  15. JewelWolf says:

    Well, I’m not sure if hyenas like pecan pies, but I’m bringing SOME kind of pie. Oh Mrs. Lovette! I need a recipe from you!

  16. Hafoc says:

    I bet Boneclaw Mother wouldn’t mind a bit if I showed up with my favorite kind of turkey. Wild Turkey.

  17. IonOtter says:

    Y’know, for half a moment there, I thought Bone Claw Mother was holding up a liver…

  18. BunnyRock says:

    @Javcs: surely thatโ€™s’ the point of family get-togethers? Itโ€™s not a real holiday unless whole branches of the family stop talking because of what someone said, or unless someone has one too many and sets themselves on fire with the potcheen during the game of Snapdragon.

    Happy thanksgiving! Okay, so I’m a Brit and have no particular emotional connection with this holiday of yours (except envy that this is just another workday for me, and vague guilt about the whole government-sponsored smallpox-blankets thing, which for some reason never gets included in the commercial images of thanksgiving. Iโ€™ll add that to the very long list of things I need to feel guilty about because of the British empire) and I already celebrated it with some Canadian friends a few weeks ago when they have theirs (apparently), but hey, I too have things to be thankful for, and I have some American Imperial Stout spirited away that should still be excellent If i want to celeberate all things American, and frankly although I CAN cook Iโ€™m never one to forgo an excuse for the vino (especially if Boneclaw was involved).

    Happy Thanksgiving all you chaps and chapesses across the pond!

  19. Allie Lewis says:

    @BunnyRock– No need to feel too guilty, they were your empire but our ancestors. And most of the genocide happened after the American Revolution. So, yanno, our bad, not yours.

    I love the holiday, but I can’t help but feel like a bit like a pompus ass every time it comes around. We really shouldn’t celebrate acceptance and togetherness in honour of, well, lots of death, scalping, and primitive biological warfare. But it’s the thought that counts, innit, getting a bunch of people together who never see each other and giving them all really good food in massive amounts? (And, in my house, Viking helms, enough carrots to make Bugs Bunny a carnivore, and bad Chinese accents to whatever telemarketer/lost relative happens to call, but I think we’re in the minority.)

  20. Attic Rat says:

    Thanksgiving, a deeply religious and political holiday for which we set aside both in favor of good food.

    (And like many holidays, most of those celebrating it haven’t the slightest idea of what it’s about.)

    Here’s a hint: It’s not about native Americans, friends, family, togetherness, acceptance, gorging oneself, probably not turkeys, and certainly not cranberry sauce. It’s about a sociopolitical something that happened in the Plymouth Colony, that led to it not dying when it otherwise would have.

  21. Gramina says:

    Attic Rat — I would say, rather, that that is where and why it originated, and that it’s important to know the history there; but human beings are meaning-making creatures, and just as Halloween is no longer “about” honoring or appeasing the dead, because the meaning has changed and evolved (to, I’d say, something about celebrating our own hidden aspects, at its best/deepest), the meaning of Thanksgiving has changed/evolved to be, in fact, about giving thanks — and for some of us, about the importance of including everyone at the table.

  22. Cookiemonster says:

    I’l bring a bottle of mead! ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Hawk says:

    It’s true that the historical roots of Thanksgiving have more to do with feasts as a political route to peace – i.e. “The natives brought us a ton of food, we’re going to make it through the winter, now let’s get them drunk off their butts and get them to sign away their land” (or at least that’s my vague and probably inaccurate understanding)


    Frankly Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. For whatever you are grateful for. Its historical meaning is there, for those who are grateful that the natives didn’t slaughter all the Englishmen (and Frenchmen, and Spaniards) that landed on their shores. It’s become massively commercial, it’s true (so has Christmas, what’s new?) but at the heart of it, any holiday only has meaning if you assign it a meaning. So, ignore the history books for a day, ignore the commercials and the glitter, and take a quiet moment.

    What *do* you give thanks for?

  24. Alondro says:

    This is similar to Charline de Lyon’s feast at Thanksgiving. No one starts any fights… lest Charline add them to the dinner table! D:

  25. Madam Atom says:

    @Gramina and Hawk: Yes, exactly, and thank you for that.

    I hope everyone who celebrates it had a good holiday, and everyone else had a good day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. WafflesToo says:

    Eh, I had the flu but it looked like everyone else had a good time which is good enough for me.

  27. Javcs says:

    @BunnyRock – I was more concerning about the vomit potential than what they’d say.
    Thanksgiving vomit would be pretty nasty. Think about it – well, no, maybe it’s best not to.

  28. Rhio2k says:

    Oh-ho-ho NO. No booze at communal feasts. That’s how I ended up nearly being forced into marrying Eats Antlers…

  29. Happy Thanksgiving and Bus Day to all and to all a good night.

  30. CyberCorn Entropic says:

    @Allie Lewis ~ Actually, the genocide was before the Europeans settled in. The earliest accounts of European explorers reveal the coasts were “filled with Indians”. However, diseases accidentally brought over by the Europeans (at first, mostly the Spanish) annihilated entire Native Americans. When European colonization (complete with intentional attempts to infect the natives) began in earnest, colonists had a lot of room to settle in because the genocide had already occurred long before they got there.

  31. CyberCorn Entropic says:

    Er, entire groups of Native Americans, that is. I think we can safely assume that when it comes to being annihilated, you can’t wipe out only part of a Native American.

  32. Allie Lewis says:

    @CyberCorn – *facepalm* This is true. Yeah, the first thing that pops into my head is the Trail of Tears, etc., the displacing of the Native Americans by the government. I guess the difference in my head between genocide and mass death is intent (namely that, while hostile, much of the carried-over disease was untinentional? ish? Unless that’s just me having too much faith in humanity again?)

  33. BunnyRock says:

    Oh gawds why did I start this? TekServer, force-choke me away from my keyboard next time I try this stuff. Happy Holidays all, now letโ€™s all stop talking about genocide at get back to the serious business of planning for Christmas, another holiday with little to no relation to its original meaning…

    *Force-choked of his swivel chair*

  34. @BunnyRock Force-tickle might be kinder gentler.

  35. Bramble says:

    @Allie Lewis: Yeah, at least at first, I think the diseases were pretty unintentional. The Europeans just didn’t consider that the Native Americans wouldn’t have the same immunities that they did. The smallpox-laden blanket handouts didn’t happen until later.
